Introducing a new premium video monitor for the VX2200 and 2-wire video VX2300 range.
The video monitor, coupled with the 6-wire VX2200 or 2-wire VX2300, is an ideal entry solution for smaller installations, such as apartments and houses, as well as multi-story apartment or office blocks.
The video monitor boasts a 3.5” TFT LCD monitor and eight soft-touch controls, four of which are programmable for features such as activating additional outputs or intercommunicating with other devices in the same apartment or other apartments.
There are several different formats of the video monitor available such as hands free and those with a handset. The handset version includes hands free as well. A desk mount kit is also available for the handset version while the hands free version can optionally be flush mounted.
Our new range of video monitors perfectly complement the VX2200 and VX2300, two of our most popular entry systems because of the flexibility and convenience they provide to users.
Available in a polished white or polished black finish with back lit touch controls, the monitors have an elegant and sophisticated look and feel and include a wide range of enhanced features such as timed privacy, door recall and local doorbell and alarm inputs.
“The new range of video monitors are easy to use and enable intuitive entry management across a wide range of properties and buildings making them an attractive choice for door entry, both for small and larger installations.
Up to 10 monitors can be installed in the same apartment on the VX2200 system while the VX2300 supports up to four per apartment.