Entrance Switchers

Audio and video entrance switchers for traditional analogue systems:

502 – Door switching relay for traditional audio systems. One required on a two door system, one required per door for systems with more than 2 doors. Supplied in a 8 modules A type DIN box. .

892 – Door switching relay for traditional video systems. One required on a two door system, one required per door for systems with more than 2 doors. Supplied in a 9 modules A type DIN box. A type DIN box (157.5mmx105mmx65mm). Requires an 850 PSU.


  • Audio and video entrance switchers allow handsets to speak with multiple entrances and control lock release function
  • Available for traditional analogue audio and video systems
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502 :

  • Entrances – Controls 2 entrances, 1 required per entrance on systems with 3 or more entrances
  • Dimensions – 140mm x 105mm x 65mm


  • Entrances – Controls 2 entrances, 1 required per entrance on systems with 3 or more entrances
  • Dimensions – 157.5mm x 105mm x 65mm
  • 502 – Audio two entrance switching relay
  • 892 – Video two entrance switching relay